SY21 9HF properties

This is a list of the Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) in the SY21 9HF area. These are the unique identifiers for every addressable location in the postcode. Unfortunately the actual addresses are not freely available

UPRN Address Road Latitude Longitude
10011763255 Get address 52.668766 -3.279929
10011763256 Get address 52.66863 -3.279999
10011763257 Get address 52.668503 -3.280084
10011763258 Get address 52.668376 -3.280199
10011763259 Get address 52.66824 -3.280284
10011763260 Get address 52.668122 -3.280413
10011763261 Get address 52.668321 -3.279487
10011763262 Get address 52.668348 -3.279429
10011763263 Get address 52.670039 -3.279375
10090726897 Get address 52.670164 -3.279438
10090726899 Get address 52.669933 -3.279268
10090726901 Get address 52.66833 -3.279443
10094382362 Get address 52.667807 -3.279635
10094383212 Get address 52.668348 -3.279459